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Projects & Reflection

Assignments from LRNR 30 Fall 2020

Projects: List

Concept Mapping

Fall 2020 LRNR 30

The concept map was one of the first steps in the research process, and encouraged us to note different issues, keywords and concepts related to out topic.  My topic was climate change, so I worked to create a map of issues I would be interested in researching throughout the semester.  I quickly realized that "climate change" is a very large topic, and that the real issue wasn't finding information, it was narrowing down into what I could actually use and apply. 

I found that process of breaking my ideas up into chunks will be a skill I can apply to many other classes throughout college.  I really enjoyed this exercise.   

Banned Books Analysis

Charlotte's Web Banned Book

This assignment we were required to check out a banned book from the library and provide an analysis of the book: when it was written, a quick biography of author, summary of the book, and to then analyze it through the issues of censored, banned or challenged books.  


I enjoyed the module for banned books week, and had never considered the implications of censorship to books.  I also did not realize that this issue extends to choices in curriculum and what kids learn, teachers teach, and textbooks writers write.  I will keep this in mind as I move through my college career to think critically about all informaiton I engage with.

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